Front-End vs. Back-End Developer Salary Comparison

Web development is the process of creating a website on the internet. Web development refers to the non-design aspects of a website, such as creating features and functionality using programming, markup, and scripting languages. Developers concentrate on the technical aspects of website development, such as designing, programming, and integrating applications and images. Programming covers a wide range of skills and topics. Those looking to enter into the sector may find it difficult to narrow down a subject of study without first understanding the jobs and responsibilities that come with them.

Front end web development and backend web development are two popular job paths. However, there is also a third which is a mix of both known as a full stack developer. The world of technology might be confusing at times. Simply said, back end developers are concerned with data, modelling, and the website's back end. Front end developers contribute to the creation of what users interact with and see. Some or all of the above are done by a full stack developer.

What is Front-End?

The aspect of web development that codes and produces front end elements of a website, or features that are immediately observable and accessible by the end-user or client, is known as front end development. In essencfront-endt end developer is in charge of everything you see and attempts to improve the user experience to make it as seamless as possible. In addition to debugging and employing static code analysis, they assist in the creation of the overall design and aesthetic.

SkillsFront-Endnt End Developer

Frontend developer are in charge of adding visual elements to a website as well as interactive elements such as navigation, buttons, and anything else that improves overall usability. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are frequently used to ensure that a site's visual side (or client side) operates well, allowing users to engage freely and comfortably. While some front end developers handle web design, others work from mock-ups created by a web designer.

The following are some of the abilities needed for a front-end developer job:

· A thorough understanding of front-end programming languages

· The capacity to make a design that is responsive.

· An awareness of front end development tools and features such as automation, content management systems, version control systems, APIs, and frameworks, as well as a knowledge of testing and debugging

Jobs for Front End Developers

Developers who have mastered a certain coding language work in front end roles, as do those who have a diverse set of skills. These occupations may also entail graphic design and content because the front end encompasses visual aesthetics. Many talents are transferable between jobs, and job titles can indicate different things depending on the employer.

Roles of Front-End Developers

Front End Developer

CSS/HTML Developer

Front End Web Designer

Front End SEO Expert

Full Stack Developer

UI Developer

Common langauges in Front-End


HTML is a standardised technique for labelling text files in order to create font, colour, visual, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web sites. HTML guarantees that text and images are formatted correctly so that they appear as they should in your web browser.


Cascading Style Sheets are used to format the layout of web pages (CSS). Text styles, table sizes, and colour control are all part of this. CSS modifies the appearance of online pages for a variety of platforms, including large and small screens. It also generates print-friendly pages.


The object-oriented programming language JavaScript is frequently used to create interactive web elements. Checkboxes and search fields are only two examples of JavaScript-enabled dynamic user interface components.

Salaries for Front End Developers

According to, the average salary for a front end developer in the United States is roughly $119,200, with salaries ranging from $95,700 to $140,000. In New York, they earn $144,200 on average, $149,400 in San Francisco, and $130,400 in Seattle. Salaries are frequently determined by a mix of factors such as education, experience, and industry.

What is Back-End?

Web development that occurs at the back end of programmes is fittingly titled back end development. Back end development covers server-side web application logic and integration, as opposed to front end development, which focuses on customer-facing goods and programmes. Back end developers create code that allows a database and an application to communicate with one another. Back end developers are in charge of the back end of a website, which includes servers, databases, and apps, and they are in control of what you don't see.

Skills as a Back End Developer

Back end developers deal with back end languages and frameworks like Java or Ruby on Rails to make web pages and applications operate. They also keep an eye on how the site is performing and make adjustments and updates to improve the back-end operation.

Jobs for Back End Developers

Jobs as a backend developer often necessitate a thorough understanding of programming. Some firms seek developers with extensive knowledge of a certain programming language, while others may require the ability to programme in many languages. A smaller company could need someone who can work on both the back end and the front end, or a full stack developer.

Salaries for Back End Developers

The typical base Salary/pay for back end developers in the United States is roughly $127,200, according to Indeed. In New York, the average back end developer income is $141,250, in San Francisco, $159,700, and in Austin, $116,275. Salaries are frequently determined by a combination of education, experience, and the industry in which one works. For more information


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